What is Somber-Contentment
Two words that have literally nothing in common. In fact, in certain instances, they’re exact opposites, but together they describe a certain emotion some of us merely brush off as something different. Somber is another word for dismal/gloomy or serious/grave. Whereas for contentment means satisfaction or a general happiness.
The concept of Somber-Contentment is the feeling contemplative happiness. You are probably not following. Consider the following: Imagine you hung out with your friends and you had a fantastic time, but now you are currently in the passenger seat of you best friends car who is driving you home (bless their heart). The ride is pretty blissful thanks to the night lights and beautifully arranged playlist you put together. You’re now leaning your head towards the window and you begin to think. You think about all the fun you had, but you're kinda bummed about it being over. Then you attempt to shift the focus back to the good parts of your day. You play a montage day’s events and you begin to smirk. As you imagine yes this is an example of Somber-Contentment. Perhaps I should elaborate a bit more instead of dropping an unexplained example in your lap and expect you to comprehend the concept. When you were just beginning to think you face was blank. Then you had the good thought you may or may not have smiled. Then the realization that it’s over begins to creep up. Whether you let it creep for a bit depends on the person. At this point you wear a rather stoic face it's only when focused on the good that you begin smirk or even let out a breathy chuckle. The origin of this sudden birth of complacency was due to the knowledge of a next time. This state of mind is all about using the past to anticipate and look forward to the future. Thus creating ease for your current place in the present. It’s that bittersweet feeling. Bitter because it's over, but It’s sweet because you had an enjoyable time doing it, and doubly sweet because now you have a memory to hold on too until the next excursion. That memory you hold onto is what makes this an overall positive thing It’s the contentment for the up’s and down’s of life and the optimism for the what comes next. What I personally find interesting is the thoughts that come afterward. I find myself feeling grateful for simple things like my family and friends and how much I love them. This Usually leaves me feeling so light and peaceful as if I’m a cloud. So much so to the point where I find myself chuckling and even yawning. Which leads to a smooth transition into a goodnight’s rest.(Maybe, a good dream too) Still don’t get it? Here a much simpler example. It's the feeling of eating Haagen Daz and your spoon hits cardboard. At least you have the memories to stay with you until you can muster up enough change to get another.
Hey, have you ever experienced Somber-Contentment? If you have share with us down below in the comments.